Monday, December 30, 2019

Basic Rules of Billboard Advertising

Basic Rules of Billboard AdvertisingBasic Rules of Billboard AdvertisingConsumers are no longer looking at billboards in the same way they did 20 or 30 years ago. While billboards may leise be considered premium advertising space, consumers are engrossed in their smartphones, tablets, and gaming systems. Eyes are down, not up, for much of ur lives. However, that doesnt mean billboard advertising is to be discounted or ignored. Billboards are everywhere, and even though we remember just a handful, they can still have a powerful branding impact. With outdoor advertising upping the stakes and becoming increasingly more competitive, plus digital advertising becoming the medium of choice, its important to know how to make your advertising count. Six Words or Fewer Considering were on the move when we read billboards, we dont have a lot of time to take them in. Six seconds has been touted as the industry average for reading a billboard. So, around six words should get the message acros s. You can push this to a few more words depending on their length and ease of reading, but as a rule of thumb, less is more here. Concision is tough, but headlines that are small paragraphs will not get read. And that means if you have a complex brand, product or service, you probably should stay away from billboards. Get Noticed, But Dont Be a Huge Distraction Most of the time, billboards are aimed at drivers, bikers, cyclists, or pedestrians (which is why you have just a few seconds to get a message across). It causes an interesting dilemma for the advertiser. You want to get noticed, but you dont want to be responsible for major, or even minor, accidents. So, while being distracting is paramount in many media, its a fine balance with the billboard. Not the Placefor Direct Response There are some truly awful billboards covered in phone numbers and website addresses. And without a doubt, 99.9 percent of the people who read the billboard will not call or visit the website. A billboard is a secondary advertising medium, which means that its ideal for brand-building and supporting a campaign, but it just cannot do the heavy lifting. If you want a more intimate conversation with your target audience, use print advertising, television, radio, flyers, websites, and direct mail. Billboards are the wrong medium for anything other than a quick message. However, if your website or phone number is the headline, and makes sense, then you have an exception to the rule. Be Smart, But Not Too Clever A boring billboard will be ignored. A smart billboard will grab the attention and leave a lasting impression. A billboard thats trying to be too clever, well, it will get lost on the audience. As a rule, you dont want billboards to make people scratch their heads and wonder what is going on. Complex visual metaphors are no good here. They say advertising should be like a puzzle to solve and should give the audience a sense of fulfillment to know they figured it out. But billboards should be much simpler than that. Youre in the business of advertising, not showing off how clever you are. More Is Better One billboard is not cheap. But its also not very effective either. Billboards are a mass market medium, but they need support. Every billboard has a rating, called Gross Ratings Points (GRP), based on traffic, visibility, location, size, and so on. This rating gives you a showing score between 1 and 100. If its 50, it means that at least 50 percent of the population in the area would see one of your boards at least once a day. If you have only one board, your impact chances are less than if you have four or five. You want to get close to a 100 showing, but thats not going to be cheap (and may end up being more annoying than impactful). Dont Say It, Show It Get creative with your billboard ideas. A flat billboard is standard, but it doesnt have to be the norm. You can go 3D, have moving parts, have people interacting with it, and even hav e your billboard animate. There is no reason that it just has to be a large, simple print ad. It is your opportunity to do something eye-catching and memorable, so go for it. The upside to this is it can create additional press, for free. Be Wary of Logo Size One of the most parroted pieces of client feedback ever given in advertising is make the logo bigger. The reason for that is easy to understand. The client is paying a lot of money to advertise his or her brand and wants the consumers to walk away with that brand planted firmly in their heads. However, there is a balancing act that has to be played. Too big, its horsey and distracts from the message. Too small, its a clever ad for a brand no one connects with. Do The Arms Length Test So, you have followed all of the rules above. Youve designed yourself one fantastic billboard. Its clean, its concise, its got contrasting colors, its interesting, and it will work. But will it be seen? Will it be read, and understood? Here s a quick test to ensure you are not wasting everyones time and money. Print out your billboard to the size of a business card. Now, hold it out at arms length. Are you still getting everything you were when it was displayed on your 27-inch monitor? If not, go in and refine it. It needs to pop. And remember, you have roughly 10 seconds to get your message across.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What Not to Do at a Casting Call for Kids

What Not to Do at a Casting Call for KidsWhat Not to Do at a Casting Call for KidsHaving a good audition is the only way to ensure that you will book an acting gig. Whether you are auditioning or your child is auditioning, there are certain rules of decorum that you will need to take into consideration. An audition is similar to a job interview. There are anumber of things that you need to be aware of before ever setting foot in a casting room. Additionally, you need to be sure to prepare your child on how to behave properly. If you are a parent to a child actor, be aware that you are being judged as well. Casting directors want to know right off the bat that if they hire your child that you will be easy to work with as well. While you can only prepare your childs performance so much before they set foot into the casting office, there are a number of things you can do to help increase the quality of their audition and the likelihood that theyll get the part. Below is a list of things parents should not do at a casting call. Steer Clear of Chewing Gum Although it seems obvious, you would be amazed at the number of kids who walk into a casting office snapping their chewing gum. Now, unless chewing gum is an actual character choice you and your child have decided upon, this is not something that will go over well with a casting director. Dont Avoid Eye Contact When you teach your child about how to behave in a casting room, make certain that they understand both proper etiquette and how to make eye contact with the casting director. It doesnt mean a scene should be entirely played out while looking at the casting person, but when your child introduces themselves, they should make direct eye contact, have confidence and be confident in who they are as people. Dont Overdo It Your child should do three things when they enter a casting room. 1) They should clearly say hello and make eye contact with everyone in the room. Keep in mind, more than likely they wont need to mention their name as everyone in the room (if there is more than one person) is expecting your child to enter. 2) They should perform their scene. 3) They should say thank you and goodbye and exit the room. They shouldnt ask how they did, or when to expect a callback/any such question. The casting director will find them if they need to. Dont Make Excuses Everyone makes mistakes in auditions this is completely expected and natural. Casting directors are often quite patient and understand that the actors performing for them might be quite nervous (especially those who are first timers). Although it is okay to ask to start over if you make a mistake, avoid making excuses. Casting directors will usually prefer that you just keep going. Never Make Excuses for Your Child Even if their poor performance is a direct result of something, you did. Assume every casting director you meet has not only heard every excuse in the book dozens (if not hundreds) of times, they wont care. They simply have too many other potential candidates to see and wasting time listening to your lame excuses why little Jimmy (Timmy, Donny, Robbie, transsumpt your childs name here) doesnt know his/her lines is not something any casting director wants to do. Unless Specifically Requested, Dont Bring Other Siblings A casting session is usually set up for one particular type of child. If you bring your kids brother or sister because you think the casting director may want to meet them will almost guarantee that your child will not be considered. Focus your attention on the child youve chosen to bring, and thats it. If the casting director asks about your other children, then you can speak about them. But unless they DIRECTLY mention that they want to see them, chances are they are simply making conversation to make you and/or your child feel more at ease. Avoid Bringing Overly Tired or Wired Children to Auditions If your child is simply too tired, wired or even suff ering from a cold, youre better off passing on the audition altogether rather than hoping to suffer through it. It certainly wont help your childs chances with this particular job, and it might hinder their chances at getting other work because the casting director who sees your whiny/wired child will remember their behavior more than their performance. Never Coach or Scold Your Children in Front of a Casting Director One almost certain way to ensure your child fails to get an acting job is to instruct them or scold them in the presence of a casting director. It is often cited as the most uncomfortable moments of any casting directors careers, so avoid it whenever possible. Acting As a Child Should Be Fun and Voluntary If you find that you are living vicariously through your child and forcing them to do something they dont have any interest in, understand that a casting director will more than likely zupflmmel up on this sooner rather than later. Casting directors are lookin g for those parents who will serve in more of a silent partner capacity for their children and root for them from behind the scenes. If your child dreams of an acting career, then we encourage them to go for it. But to help better their chances of actually landing something, be sure to take these tips into consideration.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Best Strategies for Writing an Effective Resume Summary

The Best Strategies for Writing an Effective Resume SummaryThe Best Strategies for Writing an Effective Resume SummaryHow do you describe years of work history in three to four sentences in your resume and LinkedIn profile? It is a daunting task that many professionals dread with good reason. It is a challenge to summarize who you are as a business professional. It is even more daunting when you factor in that the best summaries are written with a specific job in mind so that it is relevant to a future hiring manager. The good news is that there are strategies you can use to simplify the process and increase the effectiveness of your summary. Here are some tips to help.See 8 Ways Millennials Can Build Leadership Skills.Ask at least three managers and co-workers what they think is the top way you make an impact at work. This is the best place to start because most of us do not have a clear sense of how others view us. An additional benefit is that this strategy helps with writers blo ck. It also aids the modest employee who struggles with talking about his best traits (or is too hard on himself to recognize his value). It also benefits newer-to-career professionals who may not have a developed understanding of how to assess their value at work. A younger employee may think she is best known for being the smartest in the room, but her team and manager may appreciate her willingness to research and suggest innovative ideas that break with convention.It is also important to ask at least three people. One viewpoint is great but it may be isolated or limited. Your summary will be viewed by many people when you are job seeking, so having a well-rounded perspective is more likely to best represent you and perform better with a larger audience.Ask a few of your long-term friends and family members what they think are your best traits or what you are known for. These could be things like you are the glue that holds people together. Or, you could be the calm in a storm, or the voice of reason. These observations are likely to show soft skills that have been developed over time and are likely to come most naturally to you. Again, the answers may surprise you but be open to the observations and think about how they apply in a work setting. In other words, how does your ability to be the calm in a storm add value to a future employer? How have you used that strength professionally to accomplish more, exceed standards, create a motivating environment, et cetera?See The 8 Stages of a Winning Job Search.Your third step is to find at least three job descriptions of roles in which you are both qualified and interested. Note commonalities among the positions what traits, skills, experience or accomplishments are requested? This is called target role deconstruction. You are analyzing the requested components and descriptions to determine what in your background is relevant and desired. Make a list of requirements in priority order and highlight the top thr ee to four.Now, compare your list of what is requested to what has been said about you. Use your judgment to decide what truly reflects your impact and value and is also in demand for your future target role. The best summaries marry what the market demands with what you uniquely do best. If you excel in something that is not in demand, that experience or qualification should not take up space in your summary.Required technical skills versus bigger picture impact. It is also helpful to distinguish between more sophisticated skills that make an impact versus technical requirements. For example, an accountant job description may require a CPA, knowledge of Excel, analytical ability, superior communication skills, detail orientation and industry knowledge in the tech sector. The technical requirements (the CPA certification and Excel knowledge) are likely to be seen in your title, education or a list of skills. There is no need to use up lines in your summary to restate these things u nless you have none of the other requirements. Instead, illustrate your superior communication skills and detail orientation by providing the specifics, such as you frequently compiled reports and presented detailed recommendations to senior executives and earned the highest marks in your wertzuwachs review. These accomplishments are both unique to you and in demand. Great summary statements show strengths and often can be validated, as in a performance review. This level of detail and evidence is superior to simply writing that you are Analytical and detail-oriented with superior communication skills.See Famous CEOs and Executives Share Their Best Career Advice.A final note about the voice of a summary It is not written in first person in a resume. Resumes are considered formal documents and should not use I, me, my. Instead, your summary is written as if someone was introducing you before a speech without ever saying your name. For example, Marketing executive known for innovativ e and effective digital strategies poised to grow a startup team. Be sure to keep it in the same verb tense and watch for overused buzzwords that may minimize its value. Keep it to three to four sentences, as anything longer waters down its impact and may cause it to not be read at all.Summary writing is a challenge. After all, how can a few sentences truly do justice to years of work experience? Keep in mind that the purpose of a summary is to truthfully entice a reader to stop to look at your resume in more depth. It is an attention management tool. Unique, relevant, concise and easy to understand summaries are the most effective introductions into a resume.

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Assess the Planning Skills of a Potential Employee

How to Assess the Planning Skills of a Potential EmployeeHow to Assess the Planning Skills of a Potential Employeeansicht sample interview questions about planning enable you to assess the planning skills of the candidate you are interviewing. Your candidates responses to your interview questions about planning will help you to determine whether planning skills are a part of their job skill set. Planning prowess is necessary for all jobs, but it is exceptionally important in positions such as manager, project planner and manager, administrative assistant, and quality management and control. You can use unterstellung sample interview questions in your own interviews. Find out more during the interview about your applicants job skills. You dont need to ask all of these questions, but if planning is part of the job for which you are hiring, pick several planning questions to ask each person that you interview. Planning Job Interview Questions Assigned to lead a new project, outline the steps that you have taken in the past, or would take in the future, to get the project on track and moving?What would you develop to ensure that you and the team are measuring the effectiveness of their planning and execution of the plan?Describe the work environment or culture in which you are fruchtwein productive and happy.Have you ever participated in a team that required you to cooperate in the planning of a project? How would you describe the role that you played? Describe the components of your past jobs that had to do with planning. How effective was your performance in this planning role?During your most recent team project, how did you participate in the planning of the project? Describe your role in accomplishing the action steps needed to complete the project. How did you measure the success of the project?What career goals have you set for your life? What is your plan to accomplish them?What is your plan for your career? How would you define success for your career? At the end of your work life, what must have been present for you to feel as if you had a successful career?How would team members describe the role you played and the effectiveness of your contribution to a recent team project, department planning effort, or project?What are three tips youd offer anyone who takes on a role that involves planning, making projections, and accountability for decisions?Describe any responsibilities that you have had in the past for manpower planning, materials and supply planning, shipping schedules, or vendor interaction? Describe the actions and behaviors of your manager or teamberaterin that you respond to most positively when you are participating in a project team activity.What is the personal style and contributions of the team member who will report to you most successfully? How have you managed such a colleague in the past?If youve had no hands-on experience in business planning in the past, what makes you believe that you would successfully h andle this role in our job?Describe the process that you used to develop a strategic plan for your department, section, or overall organization. When you look ahead to the upcoming year, what accomplishments will enable you to feel that your job performance and contribution were successful?When you look ahead to the upcoming year, what would make you believe that you had failed in your job? Planning Job Interview Question Answers These tips about how to assess your candidates answers to interview questions about planning will assist you to select the best, most motivated employees for your organization. You seek an employee who can confidently and effectively lead a project team. Or, you want to hire an employee who can demonstrate a track record of success in personal planning, team planning, and/or departmental planning. Assuming the role for which you are hiring an employee involves planning, listen for past actions that demonstrate that the applicant can facilitate planning, make goal setting happen, and provide the project management skills you need. Past successes speak more loudly in the interview setting than the applicants projections about what he or she thinks that he or she would do in a planning situation in the future. You want an employee who has demonstrated the skills needed in the past or an employee who is interested and capable of learning the planning skills. Sample Job Interview Questions for Employers Use these sample job interview questions when you interview potential employees. Interview Questions to Assess Cultural FitMotivation Job Interview QuestionsTeams and Teamwork Job Interview QuestionsLeadership Job Interview QuestionsInterpersonal Skills Job Interview QuestionsManagement and Supervisory Skill Job Interview QuestionsCommunication Job Interview QuestionsEmpowerment Job Interview QuestionsDecision Making Job Interview Questions

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 Ways the Gig Economy Can Work for Working Mothers

5 Ways the Gig Economy Can Work for Working Mothers 5 Ways the Gig Economy Can Work for Working Mothers For years, mothers have faced a tough choice to work or not to work? However, this seemingly simple question fails to convey thesacrifices women are asked to make.Many working women have long yearned for a hybrid choice, some option that could exist if only the world of work were structured differently. With the rise of the gig economy, working women may have finally found that choice.According to a 2016 study,the percent of women engaged in alternative work arrangements, which includes gig economy jobs, has mora than doubled since 2005 and now outpaces the percentage of men engaged in such work. Gig jobs present women with the opportunity to meld valuable careers and meaningful parenthood without compromising either.The overwhelming popularity of gig work among women raisesthe question What about the gig economy works for so many working mothers?Here are a few possible answers1. You Can Set Your Own HoursAn overwhelming 96 percent of female gig workers cite flexible hours as one of the top three benefits of working in the gig economy. Gig workers have the flexibility to work any number of hours they choose, usually at whatever time of day best suits their schedule.This flexible scheduling doesnt have to mean earning less money. Many gig workers are able to put in full-time work, with 47 percent of them reporting they work more than 40 hours a week. For working mothers who want to pursue careers without sacrificing time with their children, the flexibility to work the hours they want to work makes gig work an ideal option.2. You Can Work From HomeFor some, motherhood means being on call at all times. In normal offices, where supervisors and coworkers note how often youre late and when you are away, working mothers are pressured to sacrifice either job security or availability to their children.However, gig economy jobs in high demandlike web development, so ftware engineering, and graphic design can be performed from anywhere with an internet connection. They also pay generously, with median hourly wages running from $30 to almost $50 an hour.3. YouCan Build Job ExperienceMore than 70 percent of female gig workers are also the primary caregivers in their homes, proving that the gig economy provides women the flexibility they need to be attentive mothers and still gain valuable work experience. Rather than takingan extended hiatus or sacrificing time with their newborns, new mothers have the option of working as much as they want and when they want, making it easier to re-enter the traditional workforce if and when they choose.4. You Can Close the Mother-Father Wage GapBy some estimates, women wont have equal pay with men until 2152. Mothers are disproportionately affected by this gender wage gap, suffering a 3 percent mommy penaltyon income compared to women without children. Working fathers, on the other hand, make 15 percent more tha n men without children. The gig economy is an opportunity for working women to set their own wages, bypass workplace biases, and avoid the mother-father pay gap.5. You Can Craft Your Ideal JobIn the gig economy, the world is your oyster. A gig worker can craft their ideal position, choosing what they do, whom they work for, and the terms on which they work. In fact, 53 percent of people who are employed as gig workers chose it for the greater control it affords over their career development.Having a child changes a womans life, often in ways she never could have expected. With so much of motherhood outside of a womans control, gig work provides a rare opportunity for mothers to exercise control in crafting the jobs theydesire.The gig economy presents an exciting opportunity for women to build lives that fully embrace both work and family without sacrificing either.Rebecca Henderson is the CEO of Randstad Sourceright, one of the worlds largest talent solution providers.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Number One Article on Resume Two Pages

The Number One Article on Resume Two Pages The Foolproof Resume Two Pages Strategy Avoid repeating exactly the same action verb. There are a number of ways to approach the skills section. Although theres no single, definitive rule, the overall consensus is you need to attempt to keep it as close to two pages as possible. Especially if you prefer your resume to keep formatting and if are asking for a creative job which requires your resume to reflect a specific skill set such as graphic design. Whispered Resume Two Pages Secrets Learn how to recognize when compromising the number of your experiences will impact the caliber of your employment story. You might also compose a two-page resume if youre in a field that demands technical skills. The quantity of knowledge and education you have dictates the period of your resume. If you have sufficient relevant experience, training, and credentials of interest to the place to showcase on more than 1 page of your resume, then do it . The Battle Over Resume Two Pages and How to Win It Dont print on the front and the rear of one page, which demands the possible employer to turn the sheet over to find the remainder of the resume. Handing in a resume for a work application for a PDF is recommended if you need your resume to appear just the manner in which youve made it. A two page resume is sometimes an issue of choice and at times an issue of dignity. Having a look at how others wrote their resumes can provide you some fantastic ideas. What to Expect From Resume Two Pages? Always make certain it reaches the comprehensive length of the initial or the second page. Just because youve got a three-page resume does not signify you should include all 3 pages of every work application. Its fine to break in the center of a section, but dont break up sentences within work description or educational listing. The whole group of resume templates is composed of an array of creative resume designs. The Resume Two P ages Cover Up Employers prefer to read just one page. Formatting Guidelines Create a personal letterhead at the peak of the very first page so employers know right away theyre taking a look at your resume. Recruiters know they can locate your anthroponym near the top of the webpage, and therefore you dont will need to make it so obvious for them. If you choose to go with a couple of pages, make sure you include your name and proper page number at the very top, suggests Ann Baehr of Best Resumes. A lovely, minimal and user-friendly template that you may edit depending on your abilities and experience. You definitely dont wish to appear just as with any other candidate. Usually, two page resumes are acceptable once you have over ten decades of experience. In truth, it is common, in case you have more than ten decades of experience in the identical field. If you get a lengthy work history, know that the majority of people dont read what you did 10 years back, she explains. If youve got plenty of experience, you can just list your oldest roles to conserve space. Even in case you have a whole lot of internship experience, it probably doesnt all must be on your resume. The Battle Over Resume Two Pages and How to Win It Do not consist of extra and unwanted information which isnt linked to the work profile. A hotel resume ought to be drafted bearing in mind the work profile one is applying for. Make certain you choose the most suitable one for the work offer. Possessing a well-formatted, clean and professional resume is a significant means to create an amazing first impression, which will assist you in getting the job which you are genuinely interested in.Your objectives will change based on the job and the company that you are applying for. Possessing a strong resume doesnt necessarily signify you will land the job, but it is a good way to be sure you have the interview. Youre searching for an internship or entry-level job, which usually means you hav e just two or three years experience. It is essential that the candidates applying for employment in the hotel business has a nice and effective resume handy. Additionally, it is helpful to show youre seriously interested in the available position. Try, if youre able to, to produce the break in information between two distinct jobs. Lastly, consider if theres any info youve included that is irrelevant or unnecessary. Theres not anything wrong with a 2 page resume in many instances. Resume Two Pages - the Story As soon as its somewhat unusual, thats ok provided that your resume is crystal clear and offers all the necessary info, you can format your resume any manner that you would really like. Make sure you make the info youre looking for. Name Your name should show up on the peak of your resume. Tell the employer what you could do Therefore, to make an interview-winning CV, its crucial that you comprehend the value of CV length and the should continue to keep yours shor t. The resume needs to be neat. At length, ensure your resume isnt overly long. Utilizing a character return can cause formatting to modify. The template can be found in PSD format. You might also think about utilizing a combination resume format. When now is the time to compose a new resume you may end up wondering which sort of resume format would be right for you to use. When formatting page two of your resume, its far better use fundamental formatting to make sure your resume will be simple to read. There are four unique types of resume format that may be used. To assist you choose whats appropriate for you, lets look at the advantages and disadvantages of each resume format.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Hiring for a Small Business 5 Practices You Need to Know - Spark Hire

Hiring for a Small Business 5 Practices You Need to Know - Spark HireSmall business owners and hiring managers often have limited budgets. As a result, they must be resourceful in order to stay on track financially, while totenstill growing their team. Fortunately, new technology and a strategic approach to the hiring process makes it easy to snag innovative, creative professionals when its time to expand. If youre a small business owner or hiring manager looking to make sure a new addition to your staff is a strong one, here are a few tips worth tryingImplement a trial periodYou spend a significant amount of money, time, and energy getting a new employee up to speed. In fact, according to the 2014 Training Industry Report from Training Magazine, small businesses fork over about $1,200 per new employee. Before you dedicate yourself to onboarding this individual, youll want to verify theyre actually going to stick around for the long-haul. One way small businesses can do this is by im plementing a trial period. Its almost as if the individual is in a contract-to-hire role. Rather than committing company resources to someone and quickly realizing the match isnt a good one, you can first be sure the individual is a good fit.One way small businesses can verify a long-haul candidate is by implementing a trial period.Click To TweetUse video einstellungsgesprchingWhen youre a small business owner, you dont have thousands of dollars to fly a potential new hire into your city for an interview. At the same time, you dont necessarily want to limit yourself only to candidates located in your immediate area. Video interviewing is a practical and affordable solution to this dilemma. Candidates respond to interview questions via video, so you see how they would benefit your business, while also getting a feel for their body language, mannerisms, and level of comfort with technology. If the professional proves to be promising, you can choose to bring them into your office for a face-to-face conversation. If not, youre able to quickly move on to the next applicant.Think outside the box Many hiring professionals inadvertently pigeon hole applicants or would-be applicants when recruiting to fill an open position. However, when youre working for a small business, its essential to shed stereotypes and analyze candidates based on skills and interview behavior, rather than just educational background or previous industry experience. For example, if youre looking for your next great salesperson, they might be working at your favorite coffee shop or clothing store. They may not have the experience you typically look for, but if they have the ability to sell and a willingness to learn, this could make for a promising new hire. Computer programs, terminology, and company protocol can easily be taught to someone with the right amount of enthusiasm.Zero in on the traits that make current employees successfulIf you have a few key staff members who are essential to th e success of your company, you probably wish you could clone them. While science may be a few years away from making that possible, take some time to analyze what makes these individuals successful. Is it a certain personality trait? Aptitude in a particular area? When you identify the kinds of individuals who typically excel within your company, it makes it easier to know what to look for when your team is ready to expand.Its easy to fake your way through a Whats your biggest weakness? conversation.Click To TweetGo through a typical workdayIf time allows, do more than just a standard interview session with your candidates. Incorporating a practical element to your interview process enables you to get a better sense of whether this person would actually thrive in your office. If your new hire will have to attend weekly design meetings, have candidates sit in for part of this meeting. If they would be asked to pitch ideas once a week, have them come up with a few sample suggestions. Its easy to fake your way through a Whats your biggest weakness? conversation. But would this person excel in the actual day-to-day flow of the job should they get hired? A practical element to your interview process is a good way to tell.Small business owners must be financially resourceful when growing their teamClick To TweetSmall business owners and hiring managers need to be resourceful and creative in order to attract top tier talent to their team. By analyzing top performers, maintaining an open mind about potential new hires, and making the most of hiring technology, those working for small businesses can find their next invaluable employee. What are some other tips and tricks small businesses can use when hiring? Let us know in the comments below